Hello,my dears!How you all been doing this last day of Jun?I guess most of you,like me,dreaming about sandy beach and perfect blue sea ..Well until that doesnt come true,for me,in August,I can only try to cool my head with some delicious treats like ice cream or ice coffee.Doesnt matter,just give me some sugar.Actually a lot of sugar!So today me and my hubby will use for some lazy stroll around Ankaras neighbourhoods..And of course the point isnt just about strolling,I also want to get some ice cream..Strawberry is fine..with some caramel hot fudge..:) Hope you all enjoy your weekend and see you soon ..:)
Jun 30, 2012
Jun 28, 2012
Just Another Thursday
Hİ,dears!And happy mid-week to all of you!My day started with ice coffee,my favorite one, and final going to hospital before I will deliver our baby..6 days left and now its just matter of time..In the meantime,me and my hubby using our last days as a twosome..And already making plans for our long holiday in August..Im really enjoyıng ın pregnancy and even do Im scared of delivery thanx to my hubby,everything seems more easy..And when for few days our baby come ,our happiness wıll be complete..Really looking forward to that..and just days or maybe hours left..:)Hope you all doing good!See you soon,kısses !
Jun 24, 2012
Hello,my dears!How was your weekend? Since yesterday my hubby were all day at work and I was so bored without him,I used my free time for decorate our babys room.I found so beautiful and inspiring ideas on net and it was so hard to make final decision for decoration.At the end I choose cheery tree with flowers and birds as wall decoration which wıill perfectly match with colors in babys crib.Also last week I finally packed my hospital bag,coz my due date is so close.Even do I hope I wiil quickly leave the hospital after delivery,anyway there is quite a lot of necesarry thing that I will need there..So now just left to wait for the ''Big day''..Felling scared but same time exciting and happy and can not wait to meet our little girl...Hope you all doing good and enjoying the rest of your week..

Jun 21, 2012
Pregnancy Cravings
Hello,my dears!How's your week going so far?After one more lovely relax weekend with my hubby,this week started pretty hard for me.Monday afternoon I finished in hospital and doctors were ready to deliver my baby..Even do my due date is so close,I wasnt feeling ready enough,so as my baby so we decıded to enjoy little bit more in our last week of pregnancy.And for me there is no better way to enjoy of spending days lazy in bed and eat bunch of candies and cakes and another sweet treats.Plus my hubby owns pastry shop so I couldnt emagine better combination - pregnancy cravings plus own pastry shop!Sounds perfect to me!What do you say? ;) Enjoy rest of your week and I hope I see you soon :)
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