Hello,dears!I'm so glad that I'm back.I was on vacation and just didnt get free time for bloggıng..Anyway it was great time,I can actually say best winter holidays ever.For first time I spent it as married women and with baby,plus another on the way.So it was so different then before.There was no party,long nights out,and there was no hangover.And I'm so happy coz I dont mıss that part of life at all.Just was spending days with family,friends,plus I received ton of gifts,so yeah..best holidays ever!Now we are back to our rutine life in Ankara..But my thoughts,like every time,already flying far..For 2 days celebration of Valentines day,then in April going back to Serbia for my bff wedding,plus going to İtaly..In May definitelly going to some sea vacation,and then our 1st marriage annivesary..In July I wılll get one more baby..So that's what occupies my head for next 5 months..So how about you?Already making some plans?Enjoy your day and see you soon ..